19 April 2011

28 going on 15 in Korean that's 29 going on 16.

It has been some time I apologize. I have been getting a little homesick so I have been avoiding most activities that remind me of home. sorrrry.

April 2-3

Okay I wore this outfit and went out. Please note that I am wearing knee highs and getting the most asian. Also I like my hair again I went though some weird phases here but now it's getting all big and kooky and I like that. I bet you really care.

I got lost shopping in Gangnam and then we ate tacos. 

We went to a show and it was nice and at a strange venue that I like minus the guy choosing despite a  nice hole in the ground to piss in the sink. Also the ska.

Here's a video of a band I like. I really tried to get a good shot of the guitarist cause he looks like a Korean Deaner.

Banran April 2 2011 by melaniereimer

Then we went to the park and got mokoli then people started peacing out and I was about to be the 3rd wheel so I left with Dre, so I could meet his dog before he sends it to America. I am a fan of animals if you didn't already know. Maybe you thought it changed cause I am willing to eat them now. WRONG. Also said dog loved me and cuddled up to me all night. It was the nicest. Here are photos of him, his name is Beans.

Sunday I ate a burger and hung out with the Dre and Beans and went shopping and of course got another pair of shoes. Dre bought these chips for W6,000.

April 9-10

I tried to go to class but turned out my teacher was at a battle whooops. Then I met up with Cam, Dre and Martyn and we ate and a ladies chicken place? Like the chicken was lady style as opposed to fried, bbq or I guess male?

We went to a party on the roof and Cam and I escaped to eat tacobell which I begged Cam to do then some English fatty decided to cut Cam. Then I also ate a hotdog. Then agreed to eat dog sometime in the future. We went to a pub where the least attractive people hang (most places in Itaewon) then looked at hooker and homo hill. The boys drew amusing things on posters while I cheered them on then we slept.

In the morning I decided to join the hike but had to get another pair of shoes cause I was wearing platforms. Whoops. Here are some photos. I went to class but was tired and weird.

April 15-17

Okay work function! I don't know where to start. Many things happened, everyone was wasted. I got fondled by 2 females in one day. My boss said I was beautiful but I have a bad temper. I replied I am never am mad I just speak very honestly. For the remainder of the evening she would either touch my face or glare at me. Life is very different here.


I tried to wake up early to meet Cass and see cherry blossoms but clearly that did not work out. I tried to meet Joe but we both fucked up the travel time so we just ate sushi and had coffee in Gangnam which was really nice.

starting here..
getting serious...

 Martyn met up with us and we ate a burger then went to Cam's. Where I learn I am allergic to Soju and have a alter ego that is 15 and a retard. I apparently won the party which actually feels a lot like losing. I guess I decided I was destined to marry Cam? uhhhhhhh. Then hit on a Korean to get back at him when he was pursuing non-retards? Luckily everyone was aware I was beyond wasted so no serious harm done well except maybe the girl Cam was talking to who possibly was confused by me and annoyed by how many times she had to repeat her number and name while I called him to thwart his efforts. Clever even as a retard.
  Whoops. Party Life?

PS sorry if you know any actual mentally challenged people and like them. I really just can't find a less offensive word to describe myself. 

PPS I stole most of these pictures from Martyn and Joe. thanks guys.

PPPS No, I do not actually want to marry Cam. If I did I wouldn't tell you all this cause I would be beyond mortified. Don't get me wrong he is super great. 

Sunday we ate tacobell and I and Martyn and Cam told me some of the super great things I said. I apologized and at that point realized I probably hit on a minor and texted him to inquire. Nope 21. One thing that sucks about looking really young for your age is that guys think they are the same age as you but you are actually 7 years their senior. Shopped a bit and then I took the long train home.

Today I skyped with Jay and Steve!!! It was nice and I showed them many Asian things. 저는 친구 진자 좋아해요! That says "I friend really like!" BYEEEEEEE