2 January 2013

2013 starting off as terrible as possible

So this year has been one of the worst for me yet... and it really isnt that bad and I KNOW people have it much worst... but personally this has been a low. Which really just means my luck has finally run out... I guess that's fair. I have been running around having a carelessly fun time for far too long now anyway. Instead of rolling around in my own self pity I am going to try to think of my tops for 2012.

- Having nice colleagues that I like spending time with.
- Visiting Winnipeg and getting back into check, I would say that 2011 was my worst year... I was so all over the place and a drunk mess MOST of the time. Sad and embarrassing. But anyway being around friends and family kinda helped me regain my footing.
- Taco Bell
- Finally seeing Cold Cave
- My dad finally learning how to use Skype
- Getting to live with my best pal
- Getting to live with my fur babies
- Getting to know Sara A. again 10 years later
- In n Out burger
- The most personalized gift ever from my aunt

All I got...


To brush my teeth more
Share more. It feels nice...
Assume the best of people first...
Sleep 8 hours a night...