8 July 2011

"a lot of boobs out... where can I get a burger around here"

The rain sucks... here's some shit I did regardless.

Friday Dre and some other friends skated for a Converse Block party? There was free stuff and it was nice to see people. They all got cute shoes and shirts. Mel and Leanda came too. Cam was there and took this picture that I stole.

Then we all walked to Sinchon and ate something somewhere. I said ya to strangers and Phil said it embarrassed him. WORST FEELING, and I rarely have those about anything. #dissociativedisorder? 

Anyway I am pretty sure I had soju cause nothing after this point is clear or makes any sense. Sorry to those involved if anything I did  affected you in some negative way. I guess we took a cab in the AM for some reason. 

Mel and I stayed in a spa and then found a burger. We made plans with Jaemyeon cause it was his birthday.  I call him 아기 which is Korean for baby because he looks/is young. He is the best and super silly, we love him.  

We also had dinner plans with Cass and went shopping. Joe also met up with us unexpectedly. There were various parties going on plus 아기's bday. It got really confusing and I dont want to write it all but there was Soundholic, Saki, 500, Zen bar and then a hotel with 아기 inbetween Mel and I? No, we don't love him that much. I slept there until late and went to class. 

Next weekend.

Went to Ocean World with Pol, Joe, Leanda and Mel. Fun was had. Line ups were long but conversation was friendly. 

Then the most disastrous night of all fell upon Mel and I.  First we got ready at Leanda's which was the nicest cause I never really get to do that anymore. Then Mel realized she forgot her phone in the cab. So we waited for the cabbie to come back which took 50 minutes. Mel's phone was dead and I had to run out of the cab to use a restroom cause I thought I might die. Then I couldn't find her. Then I did. Then it started to rain. Eventually we charged her phone and locked up our shit. On route to meet up with Leanda I needed to change my contact. I did so while walking thinking I was the coolest until it ripped and got stuck on my eye and Mel had to fish it out for me. Seriously she had to touch my eye and did not wuss out. Finally found club naked. Unfortunately this place was not to our standards. Texted Leanda letting her know we were outside but not entering. Then we just scoped around trying to find something else to do. Stood outside VIA and tried to decide if we should go in. Texted any koreans we knew that could have better plans. nothing. so we went to bar and had some drinks to prepare us for whatever could happen. Those rice chips were the shit. Yeah 2 Duvels.

We resolved to hit up Harlem as we are both fans of hip hop. I fell numerous times due to a combination of beer, heels, wood flooring and rain. Always laughed though even when I fell down the stairs. Finally we took the subway home. I woke up to go to r16 got caught in a couple of traffic jams but got there just in time! I didn't miss a single thing! I am really into this so I wont get started but it was great.

Then this guy performed. He is a really big deal... in Korea. 

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