It was Joe's birthday I was several hours late and he yelled at me down the street. I apologized. I walked to the bus depot but I forgot my debit card so I hard to cab back home and then back to the station. Bummer. So I tried buying him meals but he wouldn't let me. We had two meals at Coex and one beer it was nice I miss him. To the left is the walk.
Let's start with hip hop. Okay this is hard to quantify in some way cause I don't know what they are saying and that is at least 50% of the appeal. I like it when they talk about how cool, wasted, tough or pimping they are and am constantly amazed by the new terms and slang they come up with to tell me. Genius. I should also mention that of the Korean Hip Hop I have seen thus far was not impressive just based on appearance. Looking real female.
When I first arrived there was some kind of slow jam duets going on. I did not like it and I left cause there was a hardcore show going on at the same time. That was nice and many friends were in attendance. I voted these guys best dressed but I was not crazy about the sounds.
Okay I walked back to the hip hop. It was better at that point. The sounds were nice and they threw out candies and everyone was on stage. Then some man came out and everyone went wild. Here he is... well kind of my camera was dying and it sucks anyway.
I have no idea who he was. There was also a man on stage with a rasta hat and a do the right thing shirt. I tip my hat to his knowledge of hip hop related films however there is very little to no weed in Korea so let's get real.
The sounds reminded me of the early 90s, which was a nice time in music unless it gets too jazzy which this didn't. Here's a terrible view, as in I am terrible at making videos.
Supa Chups by melaniereimer
I can't imagine they were talking about cool things like guns and hoes cause they all seemed too happy. They were all smiley the whole time and not like a side grin when you talk about private romantic things or drunk grin like Gza last year. Maybe they only talk about partying? girls? I don't think I will do this again cause I can't really relate but it was an itch that needed scratching I guess and I imagine it was better than any other Korean Hip Hop I could have seen. I doubt my Korean will ever be good enough that I can really appreciate it fully though. The crowd was young and it ended at at like 8pm.
Back to hardcore. Things We Say.
Badabie March 12 2011 by melaniereimer
There was a gorilla biscuits cover and I broke the mic with my purse somehow. Whoops. The show ended and we went to spot for more however free drinks started and I got too silly. Also the crowd was very different and not as smart? At some point I got knocked into a cement staircase and I think it like shook something back into place eventually but before that these things happened.
Second Title: Hello free drinks. Goodbye dignity.
I think Korea is trying to break me at this point. Last weekend I traded in blackout drunk for puking. Yeah I am 28 years old. Whoops. I think this might also have something to do with my smoking as well. Packs are 2 dollars...see trying to break me. Here are somethings that happened that have resulted in my deciding to take it down on the drinking.
- buying cigarettes
- telling weird secrets to Jonah and Mason
- I tried leaning on something and just fell into a sit
- puking then dropping my ring in said toilet and immediately soaking my sleeve in puke/toilet water to retrieve it
- trying to meet up with someone with a dirty puke sleeve
- calling someone 6 times in a row. WTF, not normal for me. Maybe Korean girls but I was mortified when I saw my phone the next day. I guess it is commonplace here though cause he called 3 times at like 9am?
The next day I had a really long think in the spa and I am not really sure where to start. I definitely have become unhinged or derailed or something. When I got here I didn't even drink really. I need to take some time out and refocus. More studying, dancing and reading. I think home sickness and my complacency is catching up to me. It needed to, I have said/texted some pretty retarded and/or untrue statements. I have done some pretty stupid things even. My ego needed to drop a couple pegs and this has definitely done the trick. Still funny but verging on sad.
In other news I liked my outfit and tried to take a picture.
Okay so I read this one. Not sure if it was because you are possibly still mad at me (over my caffeine intake?? lame) or because you guilted me after putting sooo much energy into my blog, but I really enjoyed this one. I forgot how much I like reading your posts- so honest and raw and funny. I'm a little surprised you read mine haha. But you are in the next one, which you will be happy to know Josh wrote :)