29 December 2011


DRUNK POST (sober edit)

I had a place to stay lined up but the girl was flaky so I booked a hostel for one night then planned to stay with a host for the weekend. So I got in pretty late and found my hostel. Then I decided to find a beer (sour cherry beer) and chips, I found the center which kinda blew my mind cause it looked like a disney castle but was real. I called my aunt on skype on free wifi from mcdonalds to validate my feelings.

Then I went back to my hostel only to befriend the some girls. We resolved to meet back in the morning and go to the flea market. I went to bed which sucked cause the room was freezing and I had to sleep in all of my clothes on. I left my shit with one of the girls and we went to the market. We waited for a long time to see Stephen Spielberg cause Tin Tin was dropping and paparazzi were swarming his hotel. It was cold and I didnt really care so we moved on. Saw Mannekin Pis. 

next day we went to a flea market. it was okay but one girl was obsessed with pins so we had to look through many. the legit world war two gas masks were only fifiteen a piece also a cop told me to close my purse. Some wares available for purchase.

Then we ate a waffle, if you can call it that.

and I was late to meet my lovely host Eve. She was so nice. Her boyfriend Julien referred me. We went to museum park and talked about architecture a lot. Then we went to Julien's and watched several music videos and had a nice dinner.

Next day Julian had two french girls coming to stay with him and we went out with Eve's school friends. We went to a super old bar that closed at one. Then from there we went to Madame Mustaches which was a kinda soul and mod night. Drank a lot things got silly and we met Johnny Depp. Kidding he was just a weird creeper with a pony tail and goatee.

Next day we went to the comic museum and Horta's house. it was okay. My lovely host... choice comics and Horta's place.


 Later Sunday we ate fries and a polish girl came and I talked a lot about Korea and how different Asia is. I tried another beer. the end.

Julien and Eve introduced this video to me.

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