14 September 2010

Now I know how toddlers feel..

Thursday (yes I am jumping around now time wise) I went to the hospital. Everyone has to when you get your alien status card. You need your alien status card to do normal things now like get a bank account ect. Anyhow, I basically got pulled around and told to do things. Pee in this dixie cup with a very flimsy top, make sure to point out how high it should be filled. Let this man take 4 vials of blood, tell us what animal you see, stand here with no shoes and get a chest x-ray. All in all a fun time

But there was a point to this all. To stay in Korea you must be clean of drugs and illness. Stephen told me about how when he was getting ready to come here he read a story about a girl who came here and through these test and found out she has aids. The to add insult to injury she had to fly herself home because she didn't finish the contract. Biggest bummer of all time. That girls name is.... not melanie reimer. My tests came back today all clear.

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